Prior to taking our 16 hour drive to Disney, I did a lot of research, but quickly realized that nothing can truly prepare you for that length of a trip outside of actually taking the drive yourself, but I did come out of the trip with some "must haves" for our next trip, which will be this fall. I love to share what works for our family, and hopefully can make your trip much easier and enjoyable, as well.
Car Games! We had Grammy with us for the drive and she played "counting cows" but this time our kiddos are a little older (6,5 and 2) so we plan to bring travel bingo! Link:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PRD83Z3/?tag=Longdaysshort-20
A variety of snacks. Of course you will stop a bit throughout the trip for gas, etc., but having a cooler and a container full of your kids favorite snacks is very helpful.
Comfortable clothes. Our kids wore matching Disney sweats on the way there and we plan to do that again. Being comfortable is so important when traveling and being confined to a car seat. Link:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B3527Q62/?tag=Longdaysshort-20
A car lap desk. These desks helped the kids stay organized and prevented us from reaching all over the place in an already packed car. It was nice for the kids to have their own "space" in a small van for such a long length of time. Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B099XCWH22/?tag=Longdaysshort-20
DVD players with headphones. One thing I will say is that they drained battery pretty quickly, so I am linking a better version than what we had (based on reviews) but it held our kids attention for a few hours and allowed them to independently watch something. When ours did drain battery, we had extra battery packs that we already purchased for Disney, which came in handy! Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FZVBRDW/?tag=Longdaysshort-20
When it comes to Disney, the list of things to bring is never ending, but these were our 5 must haves from our last trip, that we will be bringing on our next trip!